Chrome OS Install

Install Chrome OS R.mp4

Instructions for Chrome OS Install

  1. Enable "Linux (beta)" from the settings icon on your task bar

  2. Install Libreoffice

    1. sudo apt-get install libreoffice

  3. update everything

    1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

  4. Download the files from the debate learning install page

  5. Use Libreoffice Tools to ensure that debate learning is installed

  6. Check to see if you can save directly to Google Drive --- If not

    1. Open Tools--Options--Libreoffice--Advanced--Open Expert Configuration

      1. Make sure the following three things that are searched for are deemed false

        1. useLocking

        2. UseDocumentOOoLockfile

        3. usedocumentsystemfilelocking

    2. Install Nano

      1. sudo apt-get install nano

      2. sudo nano /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice

      3. Change the following;

"# file locking now enabled by default



Make it look this way

# file locking now enabled by default



Then Save

Press Control+o

Press Enter

Press Control+x